Sunday, February 8, 2009

Day 3 0f 4

This was a BIG day! I would like to first take a moment to thank everyone for coming out. Grandpa Mike, Aunt Linda, Terry and Rick and of course Mom and Dad. I started off competing in the sweepstakes again and won my class for the third day in a row! OK, hold on folks, the math is getting tough! If I'm correct I won a total of $24.14 over the first 3 days!!!!! Also, I beat little brother Skoda 3 for 3! I thought he had me on the last one for sure, but I got lucky! Skoda, I'm not looking forward to meeting in the future because you're a handsome dude. I saw all those "Bitches" looking at you (female dogs you silly people)! Anyway here's where it gets good. I won my class in 9-12 month dog and moved to "winners dog." In winners dog "I WON!" My First Major!!!!!!! and more points toward my championship! I moved on to compete in "Best of Breed" and "best of winners." There were 60 dogs or more in Best of Breed and being only 9 months I was a little nervous. In "best of winners" I was up against a mature and well groomed 4 year old from Texas. Congrats to her.  But here is the good news, my relative Hannah WON the whole thing and my Uncle Owen took the "Best of Opposite" (best opposite sex since Hannah is a girl). With all this winning Ms. Debbie sure was Happy! Because this was a specialty show I got the big fancy ribbons and another paper weight! Thanks again to Ms. Debbie and Mrs. Susan for helping me in the ring!

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